
Three-dimensional neutron and X-ray tomography reveals the textural and spatial relationship of diamonds and associated minerals in situ, in a unique suite of 17 diamondiferous eclogites. We emphasize the reporting of X-ray imaging on mantle xenoliths, which in combination with neutron imaging enables the clear identification of diamonds and interstitial metasomatic secondary minerals. In particular, neutrons are highly sensitive to hydrogen (H), allowing for the identification of OH- and H2O-bearing metasomatic minerals. The identification of metasomatic minerals allows for the delineation of distinct metasomatic pathways through the eclogite xenoliths. Diamonds are readily identified as the darkest greyscales due to their low attenuation, and are typically surrounded by secondary minerals, never in contact with primary minerals, and always confined within metasomatic pathways. The ubiquitous occurrence of diamonds in association with pathways suggests a potential genetic link. Both octahedral and dodecahedral diamonds are observed within individual xenoliths, suggesting multiple heterogeneous growth and dissolution processes at small scales. The distinct age dichotomy between eclogite xenoliths and metasomatic mineral assemblages implies that the observed textural relationship of diamonds and late-stage metasomatic pathways for this suite of 17 eclogites casts doubt on the theory that eclogitic diamonds formed billions of years ago. Diamonds are interpreted to have formed from multiple growth episodes, with the last of these episodes represented by the metasomatic assemblages observed in this study. This further indicates that eclogitic diamond inclusions may span large time scales from ancient ages (>2 Ga) all the way to the last growth event, perhaps even close to the time of kimberlite emplacement (~360 Ma), which has significant implications for age-dating of diamonds and the study of diamonds as a whole.

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