
Optical limb observations at F-region heights from the ISIS-II satellite have been used to study the seasonal variations in the 6300 Å limb emission for nighttime conditions and the aeronomic implications. The observations were carried out over the American zone at northern midlatitudes, and refer mainly to the period 1973–1975 of low solar activity. The observed seasonal variations in the emission seem to be mainly controlled by the electron density at F-region heights for nighttime and quiet geomagnetic conditions. The winter minimum is found to be deeper than the summer minimum. The obervations give clear evidence of semiannual variation in the emission. The phase variations agree closely with that of the semiannual variations in electron density and neutral atmospheric density at F-region heights. However, the amplitude variations of the semiannual variations are found to be larger than suggested by the observed F-region electron density. The observations during highly disturbed conditions possibly show the presence of gravity waves with wavelengths around 500 km, which could transport auroral energy to lower latitudes. The midlatitude enhancements observed during disturbed conditions seem to be related to the inward movement of the plasmapause.

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