
The chaparral shrub Eriodictyon californicum produces a flavonoid leaf resin with a chemically similar composition to that previously reported for the sympatric shrub Diplacus aurantiacus. We determined the phenology, resin content, and nitrogen content of Eriodictyon leaves and the leaf area lost to herbivores. Nitrogen content and resin content were both negatively correlated with leaf age at each sampling date, but nitrogen decreased during the growing season while resin increased. The fraction of leaf area lost during the growing season averaged less than 7% and was highest on the oldest leaves. The seasonal pattern of resin production in Eriodictyon corresponds to that in Diplacus, indicating that the similar environments of Eriodyctyon and Diplacus have led to convergent leaf resins. This convergence in these two plants has implications for chemicals of similar function in other chaparral shrubs.

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