
This study deals with the physical (not the mathematical) origin of the quantum conditions. The assumption of an absolute space together with the speed of 369.5 km/s of the sun leads to cycloidal or helical orbits of the electron around the proton. This kind of orbits is a previously unnoticed fact and not compatible with the model of a closed circular standing wave. It is the aim of this study to search for alternative models. The Alternating Field model (AFM) assumes the existence of alternating fields for both the proton and the electron. The Higgs-field provides the energy requirements. By Puthoff’s effect, adapted for the electrostatic field, the electron changes its Compton frequency according to its position in the field. The interference of the alternating fields of the proton and the electron causes beats that are integer multiples of the orbital frequencies when the electron moves on Bohr’s orbits. Important results of this study are: The electrostatic Schwarzschild-radius is exactly half the value of the classical electron radius. Bohr’s first three principal quantum numbers, 1, 2, 3, are reproduced as 1.000052, 2.000214, and 3.000685. A two-dimensional simulation shows that the AFM causes orbits with ribbon shape. A formula, using only the orbital frequencies of the two innermost circular orbits, can predict the shortest wavelength of the Lyman series. The AFM is still incomplete. E.g., it does not prevent illegal orbits, but only indicates them. Also, the AFM does not use the magnetic core field of the proton. On the other hand, the model has produced results showing that Newton’s absolute space and the QM are compatible.

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