
Gas compositional changes in the headspace of the Viking Biology Gas Exchange Experiment can originate from biological activity as well as redox chamical reactions, sorption and desorption phenomena, acid-base reactions, and trapped gas release. Biological phenomena are differentiated from the nonbiological gas changes by their dynamical qualities, notably by the ability of the M4 medium to sustain biological activity. Medium incompatibilities, with potential microbial types in soils, are demonstrated to be ameliorated by an incubation chamber design that provides thin films of medium around particulate soil masses and salt gradients when the soil is wet from below. Two phenomena in soils, the production and consumption of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, are coupled for a newly isolatedClostridium sp. A decrease in molecular nitrogen production by denitrifying organisms in the second and subsequent incubation cycles results from competitive nitrate utilization by anaerobic organisms. All soils tested from the cold, dry desert regions of Antarctica contain predominantly aerobic organisms while only six of the twelve soils respire using nitrate under anaerobic conditions. Although dry Antarctica soils are not the best simulations of Martian anoxic conditions, their responses show that long incubation times may be needed on Mars to demonstrate biological gas change phenomena.

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