
By the ESA Biorack T-24 urchin' experiment of the IML-2 mission, for the first time the biomineralisation process in developing sea urchin larvae could be studied under real microgravity conditions. The main objectives were to determine whether in microgravity the process of skeleton formation does occur correctly compared to normal gravity conditions and whether larvae with differentiated skeletons do ‘de-mineralise’. These objectives have been essentially achieved. Postflight studies on the recovered ‘sub-normal’ skeletons focused on qualitative, statistical and quantitative aspects. Clear evidence is obtained that the basic biomineralisation process does actually occur normally in microgravity. No significant differences are observed between flight and ground samples. The sub-normal skeleton architectures indicate, however, that the process of positioning of the skeletogenic cells (determining primarily shape and size of the skeleton) is particularly sensitive to modifications of environmental factors, potentially including gravity. The anatomical heterogenity of the recovered skeletons, interpreted as long term effect of an accidental thermal shock during artificial egg fertilisation (break of climatisation at LSSF), masks possible effects of microgravity. No pronounced demineralisation appears to occur in microgravity; the magnesium component of the skeleton seems yet less stable than the calcium. On the basis of these results, a continuation of biomineralisation studies in space, with the sea urchin larva as model system, appears well justified and desirable.

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