
AbstractThe INCOSE systems engineering (SE) handbook (Haskins, 2015) has served our discipline well for the years of its application. The authors foresee the future applicability of the contents in section 1.1 Purpose where it defines the discipline and practice of systems engineering (SE) for students and practicing professionals alike. The SE Handbook provides an authoritative reference to understand the SE discipline in terms of content and practice. Additionally, section 1.2 Application describes, while being consistent with the ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, the handbook further elaborates on the practices and activities necessary to execute the processes, and that it is recommended that the tailoring guidelines in chapter 8 be used.With the strong baseline of defined systems engineering, Chapter 8 of the handbook addresses the Tailoring Process and Application of Systems Engineering. As of now, only 18 of the 290 handbook pages (6.2%) are dedicated to the tailoring process and applied tailoring. Section 8.2, Tailoring for Specific Product Sector or Domain Application is only afforded 5 pages (1.7% of the handbook total). The planned update of the INCOSE SE handbook offers an opportunity to enhance the practical application of the SE handbook. This paper reviews the current SE handbook structure, proposes an envisioned solution, provides a proof of concept, and discusses the recommended adjustments using a holistic systems engineering approach.

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