
There is ample evidence that a range of anthropogenic chemicals occur in the aquatic environment, some of which have the potential to cause harm. Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) are a subset of anthropogenic compounds that are poorly characterized in terms of effects and occurrences, and that are generally unregulated. Due to the sheer number of chemicals used, it is necessary to identify and prioritize those that may cause biological impacts.A key challenge of doing so is the lack of traditional ecotoxicological information. The utilization of in vitro exposure-response studies or benchmarks based on in vivo data can provide a basis for developing threshold values for evaluation of potential impacts. There are challenges, including understanding the accuracy and range of application for modeled measures and translating in vitro response information from receptor models to apical endpoints. Despite this, the use of multiple lines of evidence increases the range of available information, and supports a weight-of-evidence approach to inform the screening and prioritization of CECs in the environment.The objective of this work is to perform an evaluation of CECs detected in an urban estuary, and to identify those that are most likely to elicit a biological response. Monitoring data from marine water, wastewater, and fish and shellfish tissue samples from 17 different campaigns combined with multiple biological response measures were compared with appropriate threshold values. CECs were categorized based on their potential to elicit a biological response; the uncertainty, based on consistency of lines of evidence, was also evaluated. Two-hundred-fifteen CECs were detected. Fifty-seven were identified as High Priority (likely to cause a biological effect), and 84 as Watch List (potential to cause biological effects). Due to the extent of the monitoring and range of the lines of evidence, this approach and results are applicable to other urbanized estuarine systems.

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