
On invitation to write an article on Yoga here we decided to write on science of Raj yoga meditation (RM). Normally besides the classic asana-based meditations there are 3 kinds of meditations i) Contemplation/ Concentration based ii) Mindful based iii) Love kind of meditation. Despite so much scepticism the western world found results with meditation and according to them Mindful based meditation is the true one as they get results of increased Concentration, attention with them. Nevertheless, here we have focused on description of science behind RM. Here thus we have detailed a narrative review. The authors performed an extensive search on various platforms like PubMed; Google scholar; Web of Science; Embassy; Cochrane review library utilizing the MeSH terms; “Raj yoga meditation (RM)”; “Cognitive brain”; “attention systems ‘’emotional brain’ ’anandamide; coronary artery disease (CAD); drug addiction; obesity; neuropsychiatric disorders to assess the efficacy of RM in treatment of various diseases” from 2000 till date in 2023. We have detailed anandamide as it is the basic hormone liberated subsequent to bliss and helps in treatment of substance use disorders( SUD) .Further the basis of different neurotransmitters like serotonin, vasopressin ,GABA etc are detailed for laymen along with professionals to get insight into RM as well as its benefits which can aid in positive thinking and power of belief that I can do it can help one attain the impossible as I am possible. So much so that if 2 group of patients are told one that you will develop stomach cancer after 5 yrs, the one told of cancer actually develops it while say 2 patients knee surgery for pain both given anaesthesia one operated other also feels relief of pain despite no surgery with the power of mind, hence the role of positive thinking has kept a lot of cancer patients alive despite given a prognosis of 6mths life.

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