
Introduction: The scapular notch is a depression on the superior border of the scapula, located medially to the coracoid process, through which suprascapular nerve enters the supraspinous fossa. This paper aims to describe the main anatomical aspects of scapular notch, measuring anatomical parameters for identification of this region during surgical procedures, and compare the obtained data with previous worldwide publications. Material and methods: Sixty-two dry scapulae of Uruguayan specimens were studied at the Anatomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Centro Latinoamericano de Economía Humana (UCLAEH) in Maldonado, and the Faculty of Medicine, University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay, and analyzed for variations. Results: Of the 62 studied scapulae, 33 were right sided and 29 left sided. Anatomical variations were found in 19 specimens, which included 5 flattened shape notches (8.1%), and 14 ossified notches (22.6%), from which 4 (6.5%) were complete and 10 (16.1%) were incomplete. Scapular notch is located at an average distance of 66.7 mm (SD: 4.7) medially from the lateral border of the acromion. Conclusions: Anatomy of the scapular notch is variable. The scapular notch can be located at the junction between the medial two thirds and the lateral one third of the superior scapular border. Anatomical variations of this region play an important role in the development of entrapment neuropathies and in surgical considerations for brachial plexus injuries reconstruction.

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