
Colloidal InAs quantum wires having diameters in the range of 5-57 nm and narrow diameter distributions are grown from Bi nanoparticles by the solution-liquid-solid (SLS) mechanism. The diameter dependence of the effective band gaps (DeltaE(g)s) in the wires is determined from photoluminescence spectra and compared to the experimental results for InAs quantum dots and rods and to the predictions of various theoretical models. The DeltaE(g) values for InAs quantum dots and wires are found to scale linearly with inverse diameter (d(-1)), whereas the simplest confinement models predict that DeltaE(g) should scale with inverse-square diameter (d(-2)). The difference in the observed and predicted scaling dimension is attributed to conduction-band nonparabolicity induced by strong valence-band-conduction-band coupling in the narrow-gap InAs semiconductor.

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