
Telford S. P., Jr. 1978. The saurian malarias of Venezuela: haemosporidian parasites of gekkonid lizards. International Journal for Parasitology 8: 341–353. Five haemosporidian species were found among 185 gekkonid lizards from Estados Portuguesa, Cojedes and Aragua, Venezuela, four of which were new to science. A pigmented Plasmodium species is described from Gonatodes taniae of Estado Aragua. It produces 8–20 merozoites in variably shaped schizonts, and elongate, irregularly margined prematuration gametocytes which contract to form round to broadly elongate mature gametocytes. Phyllodactylus ventralis of Estado Portuguesa is parasitized by two new unpigmented malarial species. One produces 11–35 merozoites in schizonts which are often rounded or elongated, occasionally fan-shaped. Gametocytes are always elongated and usually lie diagonally across one end of the host cell or laterally to the nucleus. The second species forms rounded mature schizonts nearly filled with 14–32 merozoites. The sexual stages are usually round or oval, rarely elongate. Plasmodium aurulentum Telford, 1971 was found in Thecadactylus raplcaudus of Estados Portuguesa and Cojedes. A single Thecadactylus from Cojedes was infected by a haemosporidian species of uncertain generic identity which resembles a parasite found earlier in a Panamanian gecko.

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