
We have used the three-body force (3BF) to modify the two body forces to achieve the empirical saturation points as well as study the ground state properties for symmetric nuclear matter using the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation (BHF) with the Argonne AV18 potential at zero and finite temperature. Besides the energy per nucleon (E/A) as a function of nuclear density ρ is calculated. Further, the correction of the two-body dependent potential (correction 1) is added to shift and improve the saturation properties of the nuclear matter from ρ_o=0.265 〖fm〗^(-3) to ρ_o=0.149 〖fm〗^(-3) at E/A = -16.142 MeV towards to the empirical saturation point ρ_o=0.16 〖fm〗^(-3). In addition, the pressure p for symmetric nuclear matter for zero-temperature T=0 as a function of density ρ/ρ_o using the Argonne AV18 potential is calculated revealing good agreement between our calculations and the experimental data. On other hand, more calculations for the pressure are added at different energies T= 4, 8, 12, 18 and 20 MeV. Also, the level-density parameter as a function of density ρ is calculated for the BHF approach. Moreover, the internal energy F for the symmetric nuclear matter as a function of density ρ using the Argonne AV18 potential for continuous choice at T= 4, 8, 12, 18 and 20 MeV for the BHF with and without 3BF is calculated.

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