
Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) vertebrates had been unearthed at Draxeni (Vaslui district). The site is located in the northern area of the Moldavian Platform. There, the sand belonging to Şcheia Formation (Bessarabian) is mined in a restricted open pit. This sand is related to a littoral environment (shoreface and foreshore). Some of its levels are rich in mollusc debris. Vertebrate remains, carried into the Bessarabian brackish basin are present too, but in smaller amounts. Mastodon, rhinoceros, hipparionine, tortoise remains had been collected there over several years. All teeth and bones are isolated and bear the marks of intensive rolling by waves and currents. This assemblage is typical for the top of Bessarabian in Moldavia, i.e. soon after the first hipparionine invasion in this part of the Europe. This assemblage can be related to the base of MN 9 unit.

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