
The article considers the issues of the language paradigm sand-field-land in Stepan Protsiuk's novel “The Fingers Through the Sand”. The main purpose of the study is through linguistic analysis to show the influence of individual tokens on the disclosure of the content of a literary work, the characteristics of the heroes, the formation of the general perception of the text, philosophical content, etc. Using etymological analysis of the structural units of the paradigm, outline individual semantic groups –the indicators of context. The notion of “paradigm” as a linguistic-philosophical formation is highlighted, which in this study became decisive for the understanding and analysis of the literary text, and also became a key notion of combining several lexical-semantic groups.In addition, thesurrounding paradigmatic elements (language models) mentioned in the study performed auxiliary and reinforcing functions, which provided a fuller perception of the text of the novel.A thorough textual analysis of these lexical units made it possible to identify several semantic groups that became decisive in the novel. Etymological analysis of each element of the paradigm became key, which determined the integrity of the whole system. There are long-standing semantic connections in the sand-field-land model, which led to their unification into a separate paradigm. Each conclusion is illustrated by an example from the novel.The result of the study was the delineation of language models that the author used to express the content of both philosophical and literary. Such models help to understand the main idea of the work, to convey accurately and concisely the author's opinion.It was the linguistic analysis of the text that provided a deep understanding of the problems of the novel, the use of vocabulary of ancient origin was a successful stylistic device, skilfully used by the author.

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