
Results are reported of a subarcsecond spatial resolution RF line and continuum study of the Sgr B2 region, observed at the frequency of the 76-alpha hydrogen recombination line and at the (J,K = 3,2) transition of NH3. Also reported are new observations of the ground-state OH main line masers toward Sgr B2 in both left and right circular polarization. The continuum images showed no less than 19 separate H II regions in the Sgr B2 complex. Ammonia emission was observed in the Sgr B2 K and F regions. The emission toward K was found near the K1, K2, and K3 regions. The NH3 emission and absorption toward the F region, along with the OH maser emission, delineate a rotating disk or torus of molecular material surrounding the Sgr B2 F complex of H II regions. The mass interior to the NH3 and OH emission regions was calculated to be on the order of 1400 solar masses. 38 refs.

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