
Introduction - Craig Calhoun, Chris Rojek and Bryan Turner PART ONE: THEORY AND METHOD Quantitative Research Methods - Adrian E Raftery Qualitative Research Traditions - Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont Sociology and Philosophy - Randall Collins The Diversity and Insularity of Sociological Traditions - Charles Crothers Comparative Sociology - David A Apter Some Paradigms and their Moments PART TWO: THE AXIAL PROCESSES OF SOCIETY The Culture of Work - Richard Sennett The Sociology of the Family - Bryan Turner The Social Institution of Money - Geoffrey Ingham The Sociology of Consumption and Lifestyle - Don Slater The Sociology of Mediation and Communication - Roger Silverstone An Entirely Different World? Challenges for the Sociology of Race and Ethnicity - Patricia Hill Collins A Sociology of Information - David Lyon Class and Stratification - Mike Savage Current Problems and Revivial Prospects The Sociology of Culture - Wendy Griswold The Sociology of Health and Illness - Gary L Albrecht The Sociology of Religion - Bryan Turner Leisure and Tourism - Chris Rojek The Sociology of the Environment and Nature - Steven Yearley Poverty and Life Chances - Dalton Conley The Conceptualization and Study of the Poor Globalization - Roland Robertson and Kathleen E White Sociology and Cross-Disciplinarily The Sociology of Gender - Sylvia Walby Historical Trends and Future Prospects - Charles HirschmanPopulation and Society PART THREE: PRIMARY DEBATES A New Approach for Theoretically Integrating Micro and Macro Analysis - Jonathan H Turner Global Inequality - Jan Nederveen Pieterse Bringing Politics Back In Sociology and the Body - Nick Crossley The City - Saskia Sassen Its Return as a Lens for Social Theory Sociology of Deviance - Heinz Steinert The Disciplines of Social Exclusion Globalizing Business - Stewart R Clegg Sex and Power - Elspeth Probyn Capillaries, Capabilities and Capacities The Sociology of the University and Higher Education - Gerard Delanty The Consequences of Globalization Science, Technology and their Implications - Karin Knorr Cettina Citizenship, Ethnicity and Nation-States - Sinisa Malesevic and John A Hall

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