
Since the 2019 outbreak of COVID-19, the virus has rapidly spread worldwide, becoming the largest epidemic in recent years. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 can cause symptoms ranging from mild to severe, potentially leading to death, including for patients in intensive care units. Fortunately, scientists and researchers worldwide raced against time, quickly organized, and devoted themselves to vaccine research. After unremitting efforts, they developed a vaccine for COVID-19 at record speed, successfully slowing down and preventing its spread. However, even after more than three years, although significant progress has been made in combating the epidemic, numerous challenges still need to be addressed. One of these problems is the vaccination of young people, which poses a significant challenge. The vaccination of young people is hampered by severe side effects experienced by some individuals and concerns voiced by parents, which makes the process difficult. This paper examines literature and gathers data from sources such as CNKI, Google Scholar, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and World Health Organization database to analyze the impact of three major COVID-19 vaccines on adolescents. The analysis focuses on vaccination responses and associated effects, aiming to provide references for future epidemic prevention. In addition, the suggestions may increase parents' trust in vaccines, provide them with important information, and help the vaccination of teenagers go more smoothly.

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