
Hydrogen sulfide or H2S was a chemical compound which is colorless, flammable, explosive, corrosive, dangerous, and poisonous with the smell like rotten eggs. The source of H2S came from human activities namely industrial activity and waste. The animal feed industry and the seafood processing industry were industries that produced waste containing H2S gas. This research was done to determine the safe concentration of H2S which had the potential to disrupt the health of the community around Medan industrial area. This was an observational research,cross sectional and descriptive. The research population was residential community around the industrial area of animal feed and seafood processing at a radius of 300m and 800m. The number of research sample was 104 people. The data analysis used quantitative data analysis manually to decide the safe concentration (C safe) of H2S for community which were obtained from the data of experimental animal weight that was white mice(Wanimal),body surface area of white mice(BSA animal),workerweight(W), workerheight (h), workerrespiratory rate (BR), body surface area of worker (BSA), length of working time(t), concentration of H2S (C), NOAEL, animal Km, human Km, and safe human dose of toxin(SHD). The results showed measurements of H2S concentrations in the industrial area of animal feed and seafood processing at 300m was 0.0022ppm while at 800m was 0.0064 ppm, which means that both were above the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of 0,0005 ppm according to the ATSDR provisions regarding the Odor TLV H2S. According to KepMenLH No.KEP-50/MENLH/1996 concerning standard level of odor with TLV of 0.02 ppm, then only for the community around industrial areas at radius 300 m with a concentration of 0.022 ppm which was above the TLV. Akan tetapi konsentrasi hidrogen sulfida pada radius 300 m dan 800 m tersebut berada di bawah Minimal Risk Levels (MRL) tingkat pemaparan inhalasi hidrogen sulfida yang ditetapkan olehAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ATSDR) 2016 untuk efek akut sebesar 0,07 ppm. Upaya pengendalian yang dilakukan untukmasyarakat berisikoadalahmengkonsumsi enzim sitokrom P450 yang terkandung dalam makanan yang mengandung zat besi seperti kacang-kacangan, sayuran, daging, kuning telur, dan ikan untuk menurunkan tingkat hidrogen sulfida dalam tubuh.Control efforts taken for people at risk were consuming the cytochrome P450 enzyme in iron-containing foods such as nuts, vegetables, meat, egg yolks, and fish to reduce the level of H2S in the body. TSelain itu adanya gangguan pada enzim sitokrom oksidase menyebabkan suplai energy hasil oksidasi di mitokondria berkurang, untuk itu perlu mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung antioksidan seperti alpukat, delima dan anggur (Tualeka, 2013).The interference with the cytochrome oxidase enzyme caused the energy supply from oxidation in the mitochondria to decrease, so it is necessary to consume foods that contain antioxidants such as avocados, pomegranates and grapes (Tualeka, 2013).

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