
AbstractThe publication of the British Geological Survey memoir on Rum and the Small Isles in 1997 was followed by a period of intense petrological and mineralogical research, leading to some 40 papers, books and other publications. The research progress since then is reviewed here and integrated with the information previously available to provide an overview of the current status of understanding of the centre. New data on the acidic and mixed acid/basic magmas of the early Rum caldera demonstrate that frequent mafic replenishments were the main driver for magmatic activity at Rum right from its initial stages. The caldera is bound by the Main Ring Fault, a structure which probably also exercised an influence on the emplacement of the subsequent basic and ultrabasic intrusions. The later emplacement of gabbros and ultrabasic rocks caused only limited thermal metamorphism of the surrounding Torridonian sandstones, contrasting markedly with the crustal isotope signatures of the early intracaldera ignimbrite magmas and the intense alteration of uplifted masses of Lewisian gneiss within the ring fault. Rare picritic dykes provide an indication of the possible parent magma for the mafic and ultrabasic rocks, but these, as with most other magmatic rocks on Rum, have undergone varying degrees of crustal contamination, involving both Lewisian granulite and amphibolite-type crust but, notably, no Moine metasedimentary compositions as is the case at the nearby Ardnamurchan centre. Detailed textural studies on the gabbroic and ultrabasic rocks allow a distinction between intrusive peridotites and peridotite that forms part of the classic layered cumulate units of Rum and, furthermore, this work and that on the chromite seams and veins in these rocks shows that movement of trapped magma and magma derived from later intrusions, may produce textures regarded previously as of primary cumulate origin. Sulfides in the chromitite seams and ultrabasic rocks, in turn, show possible influences from assimilated Mesozoic sediments. Igneous activity on Rum was short-lived, possibly only between 0.5 and 1 m.y. in duration and commenced at ∼60.5 Ma. The Rum Central Complex was extinct by the time the main activity at the nearby Skye Central Complex commenced (∼59 Ma). From recent apatite fission-track studies it seems probable that Rum, in common with other Palaeogene centres, underwent a brief, but significantly later heating event (∼45 Ma).


  • During Stage 1, central uplift and subsidence on the arcuate MRF system was accompanied by acidic and mixed acid/basic magmatism and the subsequent formation of a caldera, which filled with acidic ash flows and breccias

  • Stage 2 commenced with the intrusion of basaltic cone sheets followed by the emplacement of the Ultrabasic Layered Suite that comprises predominantly feldspathic peridotites, troctolites and gabbros, divided into the Eastern Layered Intrusion (ELI), the Western Layered Intrusion (WLI) and the Central Intrusion

  • Notable advances in understanding the geology of Rum have been made in several fields since the publication of the 1997 Memoir. These advances have been achieved through the application of techniques ranging from classic field mapping and petrography to detailed textural studies and geochemical, geophysical and isotopic investigations and include: (1) the structure and volcanic stratigraphy of the early acidic rocks and associated breccias (Stage 1); (2) the recognition of the importance of ‘mixed magmas’ in the genesis of these rocks; (3) the role of crustal anatexis in the generation of the silicic magmas and the evidence of limited melting around the complex; (4) the importance of metasomatism and migration of residual magma in the evolution of the ultrabasic rocks (Stage 2); (5) the origin(s) of the chromitite and the occurrence and significance of Pt-group elements in the Rum Layered Suite; a

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These advances have been achieved through the application of techniques ranging from classic field mapping and petrography to detailed textural studies and geochemical, geophysical and isotopic investigations and include: (1) the structure and volcanic stratigraphy of the early acidic rocks and associated breccias (Stage 1); (2) the recognition of the importance of ‘mixed magmas’ in the genesis of these rocks; (3) the role of crustal anatexis in the generation of the silicic magmas and the evidence of limited melting around the complex; (4) the importance of metasomatism and migration of residual magma in the evolution of the ultrabasic rocks (Stage 2); (5) the origin(s) of the chromitite and the occurrence and significance of Pt-group elements in the Rum Layered Suite; a

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