
Normally, science proceeds following a well-established set of principles. Studies are done with an emphasis on correctness, are submitted to a journal editor who evaluates their relevance, and then undergo anonymous peer review by experts before publication in a journal and acceptance by the scientific community via the open literature. This process is slow, but its accuracy has served all fields of science well. In an emergency situation, different priorities come to the fore. Research and review need to be conducted quickly, and the target audience consists of policymakers. Scientists must jostle for the attention of non-specialists without sacrificing rigour, and must deal not only with peer assessment but also with media scrutiny by journalists who may have agendas other than ensuring scientific correctness. Here, we describe how the Royal Society coordinated efforts of diverse scientists to help model the coronavirus epidemic.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Technical challenges of modelling real-life epidemics and examples of overcoming these’.

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