
Part 1: Gender and Educational Theory 1.Gender Theory and Research in Education: Modernist Traditions and Emerging Contemporary Themes 2. Troubling Boys and Disturbing Discourses on Masculinity and Schooling: A Feminist Exploration of Current Debates and Interventions Concerning Boys in School 3. Education and Gender Identity: Seeking Frameworks of Understanding Part 2: Difference and Power 4. Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory 5. Identity, Abjection and Otherness: Creating the Self, Creating Difference 6. Masculine Domination: Permanence and Change 7. The Big Picture: Masculinities in Recent World History Part 3: Identity Work 8. `Spice Girls', Nice Girls, Girlies and Tomboys: Gender Discourses, Girls' Cultures and Femininities in the Primary Classroom 9. `Lads and Laughter': Humour and the Production of Heterosexual Hierarchies 10. Gender-blind Racism in the Experience of Schooling and Identity Formation Part 4: Knowledge and Pedagogy 11. Boys don't Write Romance: The Construction of Knowledge and Social Gender Identities in English Classrooms 12. Beyond the Birds and the Bees: Constituting a Discourse of Erotics in Sexuality Education 13. Power, Bodies and Identity: How Different Forms of Physical Education Construct Varying Masculinities and Femininities in Secondary Schools 14. Masculinity, Violence and Schooling: Challenging 'Poisonous Pedagogies' Part 5: Reflexivity and Risk 15. Working Out Intimacy: Young People and Friendship in an Age of Reflexivity 16. Uneasy Hybrid: Psychosocial Aspects of Becoming Educationally Successful for Working-Class Young Women Project 4:21 - Transitions to Womanhood 17. Nomadic Subjects: Young Black Women in Britain Part 6: Gender and Citizenship 18. Citizenship Education and Gender 19. Citizenship and the Self Made Girl

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