
Introduction. Rupert Wegerif, Li Li, James C. Kaufman. Section 1: Theory, history and context of teaching thinking * Teaching for Thinking: Ethical Reasoning. Robert J. Sternberg * A Recent History of Teaching Thinking. Steve Higgins * Teaching Thinking: An Ideological Perspective. Yoram Harpaz * A Confucian perspective on teaching thinking in China. Li Li. * There's more to thinking than the intellect. Douglas P. Newton. Section 2: Approaches to teaching thinking * Tools for Inquiry: the role of thinking skills approaches in developing pedagogy as theory. Vivienne Baumfield. * How to improve thinking. P.N. Johnson-Laird * Thinking-Based Classroom Teaching Theory and Practice in China. Weiping Wei. * Philosophy for Children: Short and long term effects. K., J., Topping and S. Trickey. * Teaching for Successful Intellectual Styles. Li-fang Zhang. * The Prospects of Cognitive (Brain) Training as an Aid for Teaching Thinking. Oshin Vartanian and Erin L. Beatty. * Using an Informed Understanding of Styles to Enhance Learning and Teaching in 21st century Learning Environments. Carol Evans and Michael Waring. Section 3: Creativity and creative thinking * Possibility Thinking: from what is to what might be. Anna Craft * Promoting Creativity in Chinese Classrooms: An Examination Based on Educational Policies. Zhaocun Li, and Amber Lauren Johnston. * What we want impacts how we create: Creativity, motivation, and goals. James C. Kaufman, Roni Reiter-Palmon and Ryan Royston. * Integrating Knowledge Management into the Instruction of Creativity in a Blended Learning Environment. Yu-chu Yeh. * Teaching Creative Thinking in K12 Schools: Lingering Challenges & New Opportunities. Ronald A. Beghetto. * Thinking Creatively Across the Lifespan. Anna Hui. Section 4: Critical thinking and metacognition * Metacognition and teaching higher order thinking (HOT) in science education: Students' learning, teachers' knowledge and instructional practices. Anat Zohar and Sarit Barzilai. * Knowledge, disciplinarity and the teaching of critical thinking. Tim Moore. * Metacognitive Learning Environments: An approach to metacognition research. Shirley Larkin. * An Overview of Metacognitive Awareness and L2 Reading Strategies. Pingyu Liu and Li Li. * Thinking about metacognition improves thinking. Marcel V.J. Veenman. Section 5: The assessment of thinking * Do They Really Work? Evidence For The Efficacy Of Thinking Skills Approaches In Affecting Learning Outcomes: The Need For A Broader Perspective. Robert Burden. * Assessing Critical Thinking in Our Students. Heather A. Butler. * Assessing Creative Thinking: Practical Applications. Haiying Long and Jonathan A. Plucker. * Assessment for creative teaching and learning in disciplined improvisation. Vivian M. Y. Cheng. * A Model for the Assessment of Rational Thought and its Potential Operationalization. Richard F. West Keith E. Stanovich Section 6: Teaching thinking in STEM subjects * STEM Education and Problem-Based Learning Areej M. Adel El Sayary, Sufian A. Forawi, and Nasser Mansour * The Teaching and Learning of Probabilistic Thinking: Heuristic, Informal and Fallacious Reasoning. Egan J Chernoff and Bharath Sriraman. * Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education: The CASE for thinking through Science. Mary Oliver and Grady Venville. * Epistemic practices and thinking in science: fostering teachers' development in scientific argumentation. Sibel Erduran and Merce Garcia-Mila. * Teaching Engineers to Think Creatively: Barriers and Challenges in STEM Disciplines. David H Cropley. * Teaching Mathematics Creatively. Ai-Girl Tan Section 7: Teaching thinking through collaboration and new technology * Technology and teaching thinking: why a dialogic approach is needed for the 21st Century. Rupert Wegerif. * Catalyzing Collaborative Learning and Collective Action for Positive Social Change through Systems Science Education. Michael Hogan, Owen Harney and Benjamin Broome * Becoming a questioner in a philosophy class. Baruch B. Schwarz and Ben Zion Slakmon * Thinking, Interthinking, and Technological Tools. Simon Knight and Karen Littleton.

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