
Teacher trainers and conference presenters are often asked questions along the lines of ‘Does correction work?’, where the questioner seems to be hoping for one of two definite answers. But instead of saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ we often find ourselves coming up with something like ‘Well, it depends…’. That’s because complex questions which demand binary answers (e.g. ‘Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?’—the question put to the British electorate back in 2016) seldom produce workable and useful solutions. Look at all the trouble that referendum has caused—because things are invariably more complicated than a simple two-way choice! (And to bring things ‘closer to home’ for us language-teaching specialists it is worth pointing out that the influence on language teaching from Europe-wide thinking has been profound. The loss of any contributing member of those discussions—like the UK—would have quite an effect).

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