
Cytyledons of the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., were incubated with radioactive amino acids at different stages of seed development. The proteins were fractionated by ion-exchange chromatography, sucrose gradients, and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. From 16 to 28 d after flowering about 40% of the incorporated radioactivity was associated with the polypeptides of vicilin and 10% with those of phytohemagglutinin.Polysomes were isolated from developing cotyledons 20-25 d after flowering and free polysomes were separated from membrane-bound polysomes. Aurintricarboxylic acid, an inhibitor of initiation in cell-free translation systems, did not inhibit the incorporation of amino acids into in-vitro synthesized proteins, indicating that synthesis was limited to the completion of already initiated polypeptides. Autofluorography of SDS-polyacrylamide gels showed that the two classes of polysomes made two different sets of polypeptides and that there was little overlap between these two sets.Four polypeptides similar in size to the 4 polypeptides of vicilin were made by membrane-bound polysomes and not by free polysomes. Antibodies specific for vicilin bound to those 4 polypeptides. Free polysomes made only polypeptides which did not bind to antibodies specific for vicilin. Antibodies against phytohemagglutinin did not bind to any of the invitro synthesized polypeptides.The membranes to which the polysomes were bound were characterized on sucrose gradients and by electron microscopy. Polysomes recovered from membranes which banded on top of 35 and 50% sucrose synthesized the vicilin polypeptides most rapidly. These membrane fractions were rich in vesicles of rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ER marker-enzyme NADH-cytochrome-c reductase banded with an average density of 1.18 g/cm(3) (40% w/w sucrose) on continuous gradients. These experiments demonstrate that the ER is the site of vicilin synthesis in developing bean cotyledons. Quantitative determinations of several ER parameters (RNA and lipid-phosphate content, NADH-cytochrome-c-reductase activity) show that expansion of the cotyledons is accompanied by a 4-6-fold increase in ER.

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