
Hugo Grotius is rightfully considered as one of the ?fathers? of international law, although among his contemporaries and predecessors were many theorists that contributed significantly to the foundations of international law as we know today. The notion of humanitarian intervention has its place in his famous book De Iure Belli ac Pacis. The only correct way to investigate the emergence of the humanitarian intervention as an idea in this masterpiece of international law is through the analysis set in an appropriate time context, with particular attention devoted to the life and work of Hugo Grotius - the approach that will be taken by the author. Special reference will be given to the progressive ideas of Hugo Grotius in De Iure Belli ac Pacis in the context of the politics of colonization of the Dutch in XVII century. Finally, this paper will demonstrate that Hugo Grotius? book cannot be considered without accepting its utilitaristic dimension and especially not as a work devoted only to the goals of his state. As it often happens, the truth is somewhere between two radical views (and not necessarily in the middle) and consequently, through the glasses of the interconnection of many factors, his work should be perceived.

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