
Data mining for a phylogenetic study including the prominent ericoid mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoscyphus ericae revealed nearly identical ITS sequences of the bryophilous Hyaloscypha hepaticicola suggesting they are conspecific. Additional genetic markers and a broader taxonomic sampling furthermore suggested that the sexual Hyaloscypha and the asexual Meliniomyces may be congeneric. In order to further elucidate these issues, type strains of all species traditionally treated as members of the Rhizoscyphus ericae aggregate (REA) and related taxa were subjected to phylogenetic analyses based on ITS, nrLSU, mtSSU, and rpb2 markers to produce comparable datasets while an in vitro re-synthesis experiment was conducted to examine the root-symbiotic potential of H. hepaticicola in the Ericaceae. Phylogenetic evidence demonstrates that sterile root-associated Meliniomyces, sexual Hyaloscypha and Rhizoscyphus, based on R. ericae, are indeed congeneric. To this monophylum also belongs the phialidic dematiaceous hyphomycetes Cadophora finlandica and Chloridium paucisporum. We provide a taxonomic revision of the REA; Meliniomyces and Rhizoscyphus are reduced to synonymy under Hyaloscypha. Pseudaegerita, typified by P. corticalis, an asexual morph of H. spiralis which is a core member of Hyaloscypha, is also transferred to the synonymy of the latter genus. Hyaloscypha melinii is introduced as a new root-symbiotic species from Central Europe. Cadophora finlandica and C. paucisporum are confirmed conspecific, and four new combinations in Hyaloscypha are proposed. Based on phylogenetic analyses, some sexually reproducing species can be attributed to their asexual counterparts for the first time whereas the majority is so far known only in the sexual or asexual state. Hyaloscypha bicolor sporulating in vitro is reported for the first time. Surprisingly, the mycological and mycorrhizal sides of the same coin have never been formally associated, mainly because the sexual and asexual morphs of these fungi have been studied in isolation by different research communities. Evaluating all these aspects allowed us to stabilize the taxonomy of a widespread and ecologically well-studied group of root-associated fungi and to link their various life-styles including saprobes, bryophilous fungi, root endophytes as well as fungi forming ericoid mycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae.

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