
The root apical meristem of Asplenium bulbiferum Forst. f. has a prominent four-sided pyramidal cell with its base in contact with the rootcap. Derivatives (merophytes) that contribute to the main body of the root are produced from the three proximal faces of the apical cell. The rootcap has its origin from the fourth (distal) face of the apical cell. The first division in a proximal merophyte is periclinal to the root surface, separating an outer cell and an inner cell. The outer cell is the origin of the outer part of the cortex and the epidermis; the larger inner cell is the origin of the inner cortex, endodermis, pericycle, and vascular tissue. After the establishment of the basic number of cells in a unilayered merophyte, the cells undergo transverse divisions forming longitudinal files of cells. The mitotic index of the apical cell indicates that it is not a quiescent cell. Also, the first plane of division in a newly formed merophyte dictates that the apical cell is the originator of merophytes.

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