
Oil palm plantations are often considered as one of the causes of the decline in biodiversity. Conversion of forest land to oil palm is the main factor. However, legally, land conversion can be carried out and oil palm plantation companies have also protected areas that have high conservation value, including important animal habitats. The purpose of this study is to assess the role of high conservation value areas in the conservation of biodiversity. The study was conducted on several oil palm plantations in Indonesia by conducting a literature review of high conservation value documents on several oil palm plantation companies. High conservation value areas in oil palm plantations are determined based on the presence of endangered and protected animals such as proboscis monkeys and orangutans. With the stipulation of the area as a HCV area, the presence of these animals becomes more concerned because the company has the responsibility to monitor the presence of these animals. In addition, the company also conducts socialization to the community and workers to take care of these animals. The existence of the HCV area also indirectly supports the government’s program in this case is the establishment of an Essential Ecosystem Area that functions to protect important animals outside the conservation area.

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