
This article discusses the role played by one of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the city of Padang, namely the Women Crisis Center (WCC) Nurani Perempuan in handling cases of sexual violence in the city of Padang. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method using sources relevant to the research topic. The results of this study use indicators of the role of NGOs which show that the role carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan has fulfilled three role indicators, namely the role as a countervailing power seen through its actions in leading demonstrations and mobilizing masses as well as conducting audience activities with the government. The role as an intermediary institution between the community and the state is seen through assisting victims with counseling services and providing safe houses as well as providing policy proposals through monitoring and evaluation activities. The role of an institution that carries out the mission of community empowerment is seen through conducting gender socialization, conducting community meetings, and disseminating information about sexual violence through the distribution of pamphlets on the WCC Nurani Perempuan social media page.

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