
Prerequisites, creation, place and role of vertically integrated medical information system “Obstetrics and gynecology” and “Neonatoloy” (VIMIS “AKiNEO”, System) the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of managing the vertical of medical care organization by providing prompt and comprehensive analysis of information, improving the qualifications of medical workers, as well as improving the quality of medical care to patients by improving information support at all levels in the digital transformation are considered in the article. VIMIS “AKiNEO” receives in the form of structured electronic medical documents, processes and aggregates primary data from external medical information systems. Thus, the principle of a single input of information and its further multiple use is observed. Components, working principles and current state of the System are described in details, including the results using the severe maternal morbidity register. Examples of clinical situations in which the registry played a significant role in saving life and health of patients are given. Positive effects of the System influence on the obstetric services both at the regional level and at the level of the whole Russian Federation are shown. The problems encountered during creation and implementation VIMIS “AKiNEO” in Russian digital healthcare system are presented.

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