
Introduction. The success of the professional subject genesis of teachers is largely determined by the level of development of their value-semantic sphere, the main content of which is represented by value-semantic attitudes. The problem of the role of value-semantic attitudes in the emergence and overcoming of emotional burnout of teachers of special education is relevant and little researched. We understand value-semantic attitudes as an expression of personal meaning in the form of readiness for activity and interaction. They act as an integral component of the semantic structure of the personality and determine the system of relations. Materials and methods. The teachers working at the Kursk boarding school for children with disabilities at the Kursk boarding school for children with disabilities (all participants are females aged 24 to 65; N = 45; duration of professional experience up to 43 years old) voluntarily took part in the study. Observation and conversation, as well as standardized techniques for diagnosing emotional burnout and value-semantic sphere of teachers were used from a number of empirical methods. Methods of mathematics statistics (descriptive statistics, correlation and regression types of analysis), implemented in software (“Statistica 11.0”), were used to process the research results. Results and discussion. It has been empirically proven that the desire of teachers for novelty (β = 0.580 at p = 0.009) and enjoyment (β = 0.590 at p = 0.0004), tolerance (β = 0.779 at p = 0.004) and submission (β = 0.903 at p = 0.001) increase the risk of emotional exhaustion and burnout. On the contrary, the orientation towards employment (β = -0.453 at p = 0.002), which brings joy and pleasure, as well as social recognition (β = -0.952 at p = 0.0000), self-discipline (β = -0.544 at p = 0.016), social competence (β = -0.952 at p = 0.0000), restraint (β = -0.762 at p = 0.0007), creativity and freedom (β = -0.653 at p = 0.005) can be considered as factors of overcoming emotional exhaustion and emotional burnout of teachers.

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