
Introduction. Growing urbanization entails the construction of secondary and tertiary highways, buildings, development and protection of the infrastructure, aimed at improving the performance of cities; these actions are closely related to power consumption. The experience has proven that the functional planning of urban areas influences urban transportation. Therefore, the link between urban dispersion and types of transportation has turned into one of arguable points. Uncontrollable and spontaneous urban growth, irrational nation-wide traffic and area planning boost the daily use of cars in the cities. Therefore, the study of the factors that influence suburban sprawl can influence the reduction in the number of urban cars. On the whole, suburban sprawl in Iran increases the distance between home and workplace, shopping malls and entertainment centres, and influences the use of personal vehicles and motorcycles. And it can pollute urban air and generate urban heat islands.
 Materials and methods. The co-authors have taken advantage of the official statistics, examination findings, geographical maps, draft master plans for cities, integrated transportation plans, plans of engineering and communication infrastructures.
 Results. Any spontaneous expansion of cities, irrational power consumption cause inefficient use of resources and negative economic and social results. Problems of urban dispersion is a feature of the Anthropocene epoch.
 Conclusions. The co-authors employed document analysis (printed books, articles, and digital libraries). Rational energy consumption, harmonious urban development and gardening are only feasible if reliance on cars is eliminated. Also, given the development of information and communication technologies, withdrawal of cars from designs and plans of new cities in Iran may be of vital importance for the elimination of economic, social, and numerous other problems.

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