
Purpose. Defining the role of universities in realizing opportunities and containing threats to the development of an innovative economy related to training and scientific and practical cooperation. Identification of peculiarities of views of different institutional groups of society on the characteristics of innovation economy.Methodology. The study was based on an expert method. In total, 106 experts representing four institutional groups took part in the assessment of opportunities and threats: representatives of banks, business of the real sector of the economy, authorities, faculty of universities. The evaluation is carried out on 18 possibilities formulated by experts and 19 threats from which positions are selected, which are influenced by the state of personnel provision and interaction of universities with organizations of the real sector of the economy. A fuzzy logic set was used to process the results.Results. As part of the development opportunities of the innovative economy, two are directly related to the training of qualified personnel and seven – to the scientific and practical cooperation of universities, research institutes, enterprises of the real sector of the economy. In the composition of 19 threats – four are caused by insufficient qualification, weak state support of specialists. The positions of experts within the groups are in most cases sufficiently harmonized. There are significant differences between the estimates of different groups. All expert groups assessed threats higher than opportunities, which couldbe considered a pessimistic attitude to the prospects for the development of an innovative economy. Among opportunities as the most significant are recognized: the state support of talented scientists and experts in the field of scientific, scientific and technological and innovative activity; State support for small innovative enterprises. Threats include low budget funding for academic science and higher education; Lack of the necessary legal framework to protect intellectual property owners; Lagging behind in the training of personnel with competencies adequate to the requirements of an innovative economy; «Brain drain» of current and potential developers of technological and product innovations.


  • УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ИННОВАЦИЯМИ1, 2, 3 Воронежский государственный университет, Университетская пл., 1, 394018, Воронеж, Российская Федерация

  • Defining the role of universities in realizing opportunities and containing threats to the development of an innovative economy related to training and scientific and practical cooperation

  • All expert groups assessed threats higher than opportunities, which could be considered a pessimistic attitude to the prospects for the development of an innovative economy

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1, 2, 3 Воронежский государственный университет, Университетская пл., 1, 394018, Воронеж, Российская Федерация. С. Роль вузов в реализации возможностей и сдерживании угроз инновационному развитию экономики – мнения экспертов // Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Определение роли вузов в реализации возможностей и сдерживании угроз развитию инновационной экономики, связанной с подготовкой кадров и научно-практическим сотрудничеством. Всего в оценке возможностей и угроз приняли участие 106 экспертов, объединенных в четыре институциональные группы: представители банков, бизнес реального сектора экономики, органы власти, профессорско-преподавательский состав вузов. В составе возможностей развития инновационной экономики две непосредственно связаны с подготовкой квалифицированных кадров и семь – с научно-практическим сотрудничеством вузов, НИИ, предприятий реального сектора экономики. Роль вузов в реализации возможностей и сдерживании угроз инновационному развитию экономики. В составе сформулированных экспертами возможностей и угроз выбраны для исследования аспекты, связанные с двумя формами влияния вузов на инновационное развитие экономики – подготовкой кадров и взаимодействием с организациями реального сектора экономики

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Возможности развития инновационной экономики
Угрозы развитию инновационной экономики
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