
Abstract. Human activity in the Arctic is increasing as new regions become accessible, with a consequent need for improved understanding of hazardous weather there. Arctic cyclones are the major weather systems affecting the Arctic environment during summer, including the sea ice distribution. Mesoscale to synoptic-scale tropopause polar vortices (TPVs) frequently occur in polar regions and are a proposed mechanism for Arctic cyclone genesis and intensification. However, while the importance of pre-existing tropopause-level features for cyclone development, as well as being an integral part of the three-dimensional mature cyclone structure, is well established in the mid-latitudes, evidence of the importance of pre-existing TPVs for Arctic cyclone development is mainly limited to a few case studies. Here we examine the extent to which Arctic cyclone growth is coupled to TPVs by analysing a climatology of summer Arctic cyclones and TPVs produced by tracking both features in the latest ECMWF reanalysis (ERA5). The annual counts of Arctic cyclones and TPVs are significantly correlated for features with genesis either within or outside the Arctic, implying that TPVs have a role in the development of Arctic cyclones. However, only about one-third of Arctic cyclones have their genesis or intensify while a TPV of Arctic origin is (instantaneously) within about twice the Rossby radius of the cyclone centre. Consistent with the different track densities of the full sets of Arctic cyclones and TPVs, cyclones with TPVs within range throughout their intensification phase (matched cyclones) track preferentially over the Arctic Ocean along the North American coastline and Canadian Arctic Archipelago. In contrast, cyclones intensifying distant from any TPV (unmatched cyclones) track preferentially along the northern coast of Eurasia. Composite analysis reveals the presence of a distinct relative vorticity maximum at and above the tropopause level associated with the TPV throughout the intensification period for matched cyclones and that these cyclones have a reduced upstream tilt compared to unmatched cyclones. Interaction of cyclones with TPVs has implications for the predictability of Arctic weather, given the long lifetime but relatively small spatial scale of TPVs compared with the density of the polar observation network.


  • Arctic cyclones are typically defined as synoptic-scale cyclones developing within or moving into the Arctic region

  • In this paper we present a climatology of summer Arctic cyclones and tropopause polar vortices (TPVs) by tracking features in the latest global reanalysis of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), ERA5, and deduce the role of TPVs in the initiation, intensification and structure of Arctic cyclones

  • Arctic cyclones and TPVs are identified in the ERA5 dataset, the highest-resolution reanalysis dataset available from ECMWF

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Arctic cyclones are typically defined as synoptic-scale cyclones developing within or moving into the Arctic region. Climate models project continued summer sea ice reductions in the Arctic with nearly ice-free conditions by the middle of this century (Overland and Wang, 2013). Human activity in the Arctic, such as from shipping and offshore operations, is expected to increase as new regions become accessible (Stephenson et al, 2013) with a consequent need for reliable weather forecasts, of hazardous weather. Arctic cyclones locally affect sea ice cover through surface fluxes and wind forcing, with cyclones appearing to slow the general day-to-day decline in concentration during the summer months (Finocchio et al, 2020; Schreiber and Serreze, 2020; Lukovich et al, 2021).

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