
To determine the best predictor of lesion volume induced by magnetic resonance (MR)-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) thalamotomy in patients with tremor-dominant symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD) and essential tremor (ET) patients. Thirty-six neurological patients with medication-refractory tremor (n°19 PD; n°17 ET) were treated using a commercial MRgFUS brain system (Exablate Neuro 4000, Insightec) integrated with a 1.5 T MRI unit (Sigma HDxt; GE Medical System). Linear regression analysis was used to determine how the demographic, clinical, radiological (Fazekas scale), volumetric (total GM/WM/CSF volume, cortical thickness), and MRgFUS-related parameters [Skull Density Ratio (SDR), n° of transducer elements, n° of sonications, skull area, maximal energy delivered (watt), maximal power delivered (joule), maximal sonication time delivered, maximal mean temperature reached (T°C_max), accumulated thermal dose (ATD)] impact on ventral intermediate (VIM)-thalamotomy-related 3D volumetric lesions of necrosis and edema. The VIM thalamotomy was clinically efficacious in improving the tremor symptoms of all the patients as measured at 1 week after treatment. Multiple regression analysis revealed that T°C_max and n° of transducer elements were the best predictors of the necrosis and edema volumes. Moreover, total WM volume also predicted the size of necrosis. Our study provides new insights into the clinical MRgFUS procedures that can be used to forecast brain lesion size and improve treatment outcomes.

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