
Field studies were conducted during rabi season of 2014-15 to 2015–16 to at Crop Research Farm, Block E ofSHUATS, Department of Agronomy, Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Prayagraj, to study effect oftillage practices, nitrogen and zinc management on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity and quality inthe NEPZ. The experiment comprising two treatments in main plots (conventional and minimum tillage)in sub plots six organic and inorganic nitrogen management (viz., NU0; Control, NU1; 50% RDN throughinorganic with 50% RDN through organic, NU2; 25% RDN through inorganic with 75% RDN throughorganic, NU3; 50% RDN through inorganic with 50% RDN through organic, NU4; 25% RDN throughinorganic with 75% RDN through vermicompost organic N5; 100% RDN through inorganic and sub plotsviz., control and zinc,was laid out in split split plot design with three replications. Results revealed thatsignificant and maximum (grain yield, 3.89 t/ha; number of leaves per plant, 17.25 and 18.12 at 75 and 90DAS; organic carbon, 0.451%) respectively were recorded in crop cultivated by conventional tillage. Further,significantly the highest soil organic carbon (0.462%) was recorded in minimum tillage compare toconventional tillage. Significant and maximum and yield attributes (grain yield, 4.14 t/ha; straw yield, 8.39t/ha; plant height, 84.42 and 94.58 cm at 90 and 105 DAS; number of leaves per plant, 17.82 and 18.25 at 75and growth attributes 105 DAS, respectively were recorded in applied nitrogen management NU3 50%RDN through inorganic with 50% RDN through organic treatment. Similarly, the maximum buildup of soilorganic carbon 0.462%; Pore space, 48.407 and 48.135% at depth 0-15 and 15-30 cm and significant andmaximum the lowest (soil pH, 7.24; S, 13.19; Mn, 4.56 and Cu, 0.53; Bulk density, 1.329 and 1.316 g cm-3 at0-15 and 15-30 cm; Particle density, 2.517 g cm-3 at 15-30 cm, respectively were recorded in NU3 treatment.The foliar application of 0.5% zinc sulphate had pronounced effect on soil properties and crop performanceof wheat under rainfed conditions.

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