
The article analyzes one of the peculiarities of organization of educational process at the Faculty of Philology, namely the use of elements of performing art in literary studies and extracurricular activity. The main ways of interaction between theatre and University in this field are visiting theatre, discussing plays, creating amateur theatres, writing literary scripts, plays, reviews, research articles and monographs dedicated to development of theatre and drama. It also contains the analysis of activity of the most prolific amateur theatres directors, these are V. Sachenko, A. Svashenko, O. Chuguj, L. Osmolovskyj, V. Svirskyj, their success in putting plays by Ukrainian and world literature classic playwrights on the stage. This article covers the history of founding and directing student theatres in the plays “Epiphany”, “The Twelve Chairs”, “Arabesque” and others, directing their own plays based on works dedicated to H. Skovoroda (“The Great Prophecy”) and V. Karazin (“Treacherous Destiny”), crash Bolshevist total-colonial regime and him consequence (“Attempt on the Devil”). The research makes an emphasize on the importance of mutual managing of large-scale creative projects, group watching and discussion of film adaptations of O. Dovzhenko (“The Poem about the Sea”), M. Sholokhov (“And Quiet Flows the Don”) as well as on creating the first university-based film studio. The article also shows that as the students of the Kharkiv University N. Zabila, O. Kolomiiets, R. Polonskyj, A. Zhytnytskyj, I. Perepeliak and L. Toma were active in providing the written literary basis for theatres, cinema and television of Ukraine. The foremost determined reason of graduates of the University (Yu. Stanishevskyj, V. Savchenko, V. Svirskyj, S. Oleshko) dedicated themselves to theatre is long and thorough mastering the secrets of Melpomene’s art during studying at the Faculty of Philology. We conclude that it is necessary to include in curriculum an extra course called “Basics of the Performing Art” for the humanitarian schools, as well as to open and manage student theatres.

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