
Objective: The aim of this research to explore the role of WHO in increasing the capacity of the COVID-19 laboratories in Indonesia. Methods: Explorative research, assesses deeply about issues or social phenomena that is not widely understood, new cases that have not been handled optimally. This study explores various data and information regarding the development of Corona cases and WHO program to solve the health crisis through data, literature review, and interview. Results: The role of WHO in increasing the capacity of COVID-19 laboratories in Indonesia can be seen in two sectors, namely surveillance activation and improvement of national laboratory diagnostics. To activate and strengthen the surveillance, several actions were taken by WHO, such as introducing the COVID-19 surveillance system to the Indonesian Government, supporting surveillance activities on various platforms, utilizing the Influenza Surveillance System to track COVID-19 cases, anticipating the increase of COVID-19 cases due to religious event, broadening the contact tracing network, developing an application to track close contact, and facilitating regular training for contact tracing officer. In the second sector, improvement of national laboratory diagnostic, WHO is actively supplying COVID-19 testing kits to Indonesia, conducting capacity building for laboratory staff, creating guidelines for COVID-19 testing, activating the existing Influenza Laboratory as COVID-19 Laboratory, and monitoring the quality of COVID-19 diagnostic. Conclusion: In order to increase the capacity of COVID-19 Laboartory in Indonesia, WHO actively contributes in strengthening the surveillance system and improving national laboratories' diagnostic.

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