
The paper describes the role of the Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the capstone class in the Computer Engineering Technology (CET) program in the Engineering Technology Department, College of Technology (CoT) at the University of Houston. The TAs recruited are required to have the knowledge and experience in multiple subjects, and proficiency in English language in order to be able to assist the students with their project specific questions and course policies. This paper briefly discusses the hiring process including the extensive interviews and how potential TAs must demonstrate their technical expertise before they are selected. Prior project experience and industry experience are highly valued. Once they are hired, TAs immediately go through a mandatory two-day orientation in order to become acquainted with department, college and university culture and policies. The TAs are selected from a pool of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science applicants. The paper discusses the roles of the TAs, policies governing the grading of the various components of the course such as weekly progress reports, homework, exams, proposal reports, final project reports, and maintenance of the course website. Several survey instruments are used to assess many aspects of the student performance in the team and as individuals. All TAs are trained to quickly tally the results of the surveys and the results that are used to better guide the project teams and improve the management of the course. The TAs are also participating and assisting promising project members to publish their project results in scholarly journals and filing for patents through the office of Intellectual Property Management at the UH. The paper concludes by outlining short term and long term goals for the improvements of TAs roles and responsibilities.

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