
The reactions with anthracene as a hydrogen acceptor were performed to determine how much hydrogen could be transferred by the hexane soluble resid fraction and hydrogen atmosphere to anthracene. The product distributions obtained by anthracene are given in Table 4. The products obtained from anthracene (ANT) were dihydroanthracene (DHA) and hexahydroanthracene (HHA). When FHC-365 was the resid used in the reaction, very similar amounts of ANT, DHA, and HHA were present after the reaction in both the catalytic and noncatalytic reaction. The predominant product was DHA at 51 to 53 mol%. Slightly more than one-fourth of the ANT remained unreacted. The production of HHA was between 20 and 22%. The amount of H{sub 2} accepted by ANT was the same for both catalytic and noncatalytic reactions. For the reactions with Maya, ANT reacted differently under noncatalytic and catalytic conditions. The reaction products produced were DHA and HHA, with DHA being the predominant product. In the catalytic reaction, substantially more DHA was produced under catalytic conditions and substantially less ANT remained than in the noncatalytic reaction. Under both reaction conditions nearly the same amount of HHA was produced. Under catalytic conditions, nearly twice as much hydrogen was accepted by ANT thanmore » under noncatalytic conditions. The product distribution from ANT obtained for the noncatalytic reaction with Maya was similar to dig obtained from ANT when ANT was reacted with FHC-365. The catalyst only seemed to have an effect with Maya resid. The catalyst also had a strong effect on the GC fraction obtained from the reaction using hexane solubles of Maya with ANT. The average boiling point showed a substantial shift toward low boiling constituents.« less

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