
This research included in the study puantitatif. While the research design used in this research is the analysis of correlation, namely the type of research conducted with the aim of detecting the extent to which variations in one factor are associated (correlated) with one or more other factors based on the correlation coefficient. The purpose of the research, namely to explain the influence and hypothesis testing by analyzing the various data in the field. In the context of this study is to obtain the facts of the phenomena that exist and find information in a factual description of the factors increase employee engagement in PT PLN (Persero) Parent Unit is the Region of North Sumatra. The population in this research is all employees PLN (Persero) Parent Unit is the Region of North Sumatra. This time recorded as many as 181 employees with the status of a permanent employee. The technique of determining the number of samples used Method Slovin so that the number of samples in this study amounted to 65 respondents. Data Collection method used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the Values of the Company as a significant influence on the formation of Employee Engagement in PT PLN (Persero) Parent Unit is the Region of North Sumatra. PT PLN (Persero) also has a program to foster employee engagement, namely: Employee Gathering, the Visit of a Senior Leader, LIQUID and Code of Conduct. On the basis of this, the researchers enter the Program of Development of Corporate Culture as a moderating variable, with the assumption that the program is able to drive employee engagement through the value of the company. The results showed that the Program of Development of the Culture of the Company contained in PT PLN (Persero) to be able to participate moderating variable value of the Company in influencing employee engagement. This means that the understanding of the employees against the Values of the Company will be more effective with the Program of Development of Corporate Culture in PT PLN (Persero) Parent Unit is the Region of North Sumatra. Keywords: Corporate Culture, Corporate Values, Employee Engagement.

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