
Central Asia is a region, containing five countries, serving as an important oil and natural gas exporter, being inbetween Russia, China, and Iran. This region has been a subject to several regimes and civiliazations. Latelly it is being transformed to liberal democracy, by the Western influence. NGO-s bear one of the biggest role of injecting democracy to the Central Asia. Supported by the western governments and the support of international organizations such as the UN agencies and the World Bank. This article will talk about the difficulties and role these NGO-s, local and international, play in the democratization of the Central Asian countries, who for ages suffered from the isolation. This has neither been an easy job and nor a safe one. There has been a lot of difficulties but the foreign help in empowering the civil society, has succeeded on the spread of democracy. Transformation from one system to another, in this case from communism to democracy, found these countries unprepared, and thus they needed tranings and preparations for the civil society leaders. In this article I will also explain the role of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Europian Union, in helping the civil society, NGO-s, to transform the country to further democracy, and also the role of these two important institutions in the foundation of democratic and liberal institutions of the Central Asia, like judicial, security, human rights, elections, etc..

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