
To address some of the main nurse's role in facilitating patients' participation and engagement to prepare for the stress of surgery. These include published peer reviewed literature, web-based resources, and professional organizations' resources. Psychological and physical optimization of surgical patients during the preoperative phase is a novel approach known as the prehabilitation program. A multidisciplinary team of health professionals work in synergy to prepare patients for the upcoming surgery. Different roles and responsibilities may be allotted to the nurse, whereas one of which may focus on patient education. Being cognizant of low health literacy rates while using various teaching strategies known to promote patient understanding may increase patient participation to prepare for surgery. This article may guide nurses who are new to the concept of health literacy and patient activation. We wish to sensitize nurses to a few strategies to support patient understanding and involvement. This overview can help others who are establishing a prehabilitation unit in their institution to highlight the important role a nurse can play toward patient education.

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