
The article is devoted to defining the role and practical significance of the activities of the International Agency in the field of atomic energy in the field of ecological rehabilitation of radioactively contaminated territories. The article analyzed the international programs adopted by the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding the environmental rehabilitation of radioactively contaminated territories. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the field of international cooperation regarding the ecological rehabilitation of radioactively contaminated territories. Since its creation, special attention has been paid to Ukraine's cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, in particular, projects to overcome the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as programs related to former uranium production facilities located on the territory of the former production association "Prydniprovsk Chemical Plant" have been investigated .
 Based on the analysis of these programs, conclusions were drawn about the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the process of remediation of radioactively contaminated territories, and the main forms of cooperation were also determined: assistance in the development and adoption of programs for the remediation of such territories, exchange of experience, provision of technical assistance, improvement of the qualifications of specialists in in this field, assessment and monitoring of the level of radioactive exposure at the relevant facilities. In addition, the article examines the experience of international cooperation of the IAEA with other foreign countries, in particular, the states of Central Asia and Japan.
 The author came to the conclusion that despite the existing international programs of the IAEA in the researched area, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the International Atomic Energy Agency states that the Russian forces have violated the safety criteria at nuclear facilities, but to have a real impact and stop violations of safety standards at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, currently, the international organization is unable. cannot influence the situation to act as a guarantor of nuclear safety.

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