
For years, sugarcane farmers, especially East Java sugarcane farmers, have struggled to obtain a harvest that satisfies them, namely the appropriate yield rate (sugar - content/rendemen) they expect. They considered the sugar factory they visited, not providing a standard yield (rendemen) that satisfied them. Therefore, they moved from one sugar factory to another sugar factory, spent days travelling using rented trucks, used up gasoline, and rented drivers, until they finally surrendered to one of the sugar factories which gave the most satisfying yield. In fact, if calculated with all the costs that have been incurred by sugar cane farmers, start planting to harvest, and transport them to sugar mills, can the sugarcane suffer losses. It's time for the Government and the Regional Government to act to help sugar cane when they harvest. First is surveying how many sugar cane land will be harvested. Second, the inventory of sugar mills closest to their harvest location so that the transportation costs are not very hard for the farmers. Third, determine the closest sugar factory to accept the harvest of sugar cane closest to the location of the sugar factory. Fourth, the Government replaced the shortcomings of rendemen provided by sugar cane as an appreciation for sugarcane farmers who had planted sugar cane and became an important part of the perpetrators of achieving Indonesian sugar self-sufficiency someday. As a result, sugar cane are expected to be satisfied and remain willing to plant sugar cane so that being a sugar cane farmer is their best choice, making them strong and resilient Indonesian farmers.

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