
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) isincreased proliferation ofB-cells with peripheral blood and bone marrow involvement, which is usually observed in older people. Genetic mutations, epigenetic changes and miRs play a role in CLL pathogenesis. Del 11q, dell17q, del6q,trisomy 12, p53 and IgVH mutations are the most important genetic changes in CLL. Deletion of miR-15a and miR-16a can increase bcl2 gene expression, miR-29 and miR-181 deletions decrease the expression of TCL1, and miR-146a deletion prevents tumor metastasis. Epigenetic changes such as hypo- and hypermethylation, ubiquitination, hypo- and hyperacetylation ofgene promoters involved in CLL pathogenesis can also play a role in CLL. Expression of CD38 and ZAP70, presence or absence of mutation in IgVH and P53mutation are among the factors involved in CLL prognosis. Use of monoclonal antibodies against surface markers of B-cells like anti-CD20as well as tyrosine kinase inhibitors are the most important therapeutic approaches for CLL.

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