
During the First World War, Russia was seized with a food crisis, which
 continued after the October Revolution in the civil war. The article analyzes the
 role of the food issue in the relationship between the Soviet government of the
 Bolsheviks and the nationalist Central Rada, which seized power in Ukraine. The struggle for bread has turned from a socio-economic problem into an acute military-political problem. The Central Rada wanted to use bread as a weapon in the struggle against the Bolsheviks, leaving the broad masses of Russian people and
 the soldiers at the front to starvation.
 The article shows the Russophobic role of the Rada in relation to Russia.
 At the same time, it is demonstrated how the Soviets of Workers’, Soldiers’ and Peasants’ Deputies solved the food issue at the local level and provided food aid to Russia. The nationalist leaders of the Central Rada were defeated in this struggle, they were not supported not only by the masses, but also by the Ukrainianized
 military regiments.
 The author concludes that food was the main issue in relations between Russia and the Central Rada. The Bolsheviks could not allow famine in the cities and at the fronts, and this situation led to a war with the Central Rada and an aggravation of the civil war. The study has revealed that the leaders of Rada betrayed the allies from the Entente. The article is based on archival documents and materials from periodicals of that time. A large amount of factual material is being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.

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