
In the information society era, communities no longer put primary concern on the richness related to Indonesian identity. In particular, the knowledge and practices of Indonesian customary law systems begin to be forsaken gradually. With respect to this issue, it also happens within students in the Higher Education environment. In fact, student interests in the nation cultures, especially their customary law systems are still low. Based on this specific issue, the researchers are motivated to make an innovation in the learning process of the Indonesian Customary Law Systems course by designing the E-Encyclopedia of Indonesian Customary Law Systems: The Fulfillment of Local Culture Literature in Strengthening Student Competencies towards the Information Society Era. The purpose of this study is to determine the stages of making, roles, and benefits of the E-Encyclopedia of Indonesian Customary Law Systems, as the Fulfillment of Local Culture Literature in Strengthening Student Competencies towards the Information Society Era. This study employed the Research and Development method. The data were collected using the techniques of interviews, observation, questionnaires, and documentation studies. The subjects of the study were the Civic Education students who are taking the Customary Law course in the academic year of 2018/2019. The results showed that the role of the E-Encyclopedia media was very significant in strengthening the national identity and cultural awareness of the students. This significant impact was important since they began to more love their country. In addition, there are also micro benefits (narrow) for the Civic Education Department students because this innovative Customary Law learning media helped facilitate the digital literacy of students. In terms of its macro benefits (broad), the community also took benefits of it by easily accessing the E-Encyclopedia website.

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