
Therapeutic lifestyle intervention, with a focus on weight loss, is the cornerstone of cardiometabolic risk factor reduction, but many patients find it difficult to make the changes that are needed to achieve meaningful improvements in risk markers. There are a variety of pharmacologic options for the management of individual risk factors, such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance. However, agents that are currently available to assist patients in their weight loss efforts are limited by their potential for adverse effects. The American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) has identified 7 behavioral targets of self-management, the AADE7™ Self-Care Behaviors, which include healthy eating, being active, monitoring, taking medications, problem solving, healthy coping, and reducing risk factors. The case scenarios in the article illustrate some of the challenges clinicians face in managing cardiometabolic risk factor reduction in the context of these recommended behaviors. A common theme among these cases is the importance of assessing patients' understanding, beliefs, and readiness to change their behaviors.

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